Each year, I always look forward to the Cincinnati Comic Expo. Not only because it’s an amazing con run by amazing people, but it means I get to see & shoot with my good friend Wes, of The Portrait Dude Cosplay photography. As some of you who follow me know, Rogue and Gambit are my […]
I had hoped to shoot Silver Sable AND Baroness while at The Rogue V100′s facility. But due to time, I had to scrap wearing Baroness. Bryan Humphrey was nice enough to volunteer to work me in the next day during his shoot at the Goat Farm. It was 20 degrees, pitch black, and raining, but […]
When my friend Cathy of God Save the Queen Fashions told me she had an opportunity for us to shoot our ‘Wade Wilson’s War group with real weapons, I jumped at the unusual concept. What I didn’t know what what I was walking into was one of the coolest & largest collections of weapons, tanks […]
Cincinnati! While visiting to host/judge Cincinnati Comic Expo’s costume contest (which was HUGE & amazing this year. Seriously, go in 2014!), I was lucky enough to be able to squeeze in an epic shoot with The Portrait Dude . While I was visiting in 2012, I passed a building that looked like the Hall of […]
Let me first start off by saying.. The next time I decide fabricate an intricate armored costume in what amounts to 6 days, all while working 75+ hours a week on a TV show. Kindly roll up a comic of your choosing, and beat me about the head & neck until I come to my […]
I remember playing Metroid & Super Metriod on my Super Nintendo for hours on end when I was just a kid. I truly did love playing the bounty hunter Samus Aran. And when it was revealed, *gasp*, Samus was a girl! I remember even then, a twinge of pride that I had been playing a […]