Miracole.com Super Suit Supervisor, Film/TV Costumer, Cosplayer and Uber Nerd

Posts Tagged ‘Brightest Day’
Brightest Day: Green Lantern- Emerald Warriors Cover
Brightest Day: Green Lantern- Emerald Warriors Cover

The first time I saw this comic at Oxford, I squealed while jumping up and down, with a heaping side of uber girly flailing.  Not one of my more composed moments. But this was the first cover piece that has gone public since we started working with the awesome Felipe Massafera; so cut me some […]


Miracole Burns is best known for her vast assortment of custom designed comic/ movie costumes and practical Cosplay photography. Her years of cosplay experience gave her the tools to shift seamlessly into the world of Film and TV costuming. Her success as a Super Suit Supervisor and Specialty Costumer speaks volumes on how the passion of cosplay can change your life in amazing and unexpected ways.

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